【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties
  • 【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties

【焼津市】やいづとくさんプラザ 焼津の魅力満載セット [Yaizu City] Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, a set of Yaizu’s specialties






  • ヤマト宅急便



    • 北海道


    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


    • 関東
      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


    • 信越
      新潟県, 長野県


    • 北陸
      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄











Product Info


特選しょうゆ うめえぞこれは×1、さばカレー×1、焼津おでん×1、食べるだし醤油×1、駿河の港だし×1、まぐろフレーク(赤缶)×1



A selection of products with many of Yaizu's attractions from Yaizu Tokusan Plaza, which stocks many of Yaizu's specialties and souvenirs.
This set includes many excellent products that you should definitely try, such as the much talked-about super-special soy sauce "Umezo-koreha", which is made from wheat grown in the prefecture and deep Suruga Bay water, and "Mackerel Curry", which contains a lot of mackerel meat.

Product Information
Super-special soy sauce Umezo-koreha x1, mackerel curry x1, Yaizu oden x1, edible dashi soy sauce, Suruga bay’s dashi x1, tuna flakes (red can) x1

Shipment estimate: Around 3-4 days after ordering.
Delivery: Standard delivery (Yamato Transport)
Noshi wrapping: 110yen
If you wish to have noshi wrapping please submit the type of Noshi wrapping and the sender's name
Delivery note: Unavailable
*This product can be shipped to remote islands. Please select ”Remote islands” from the selection screen as a separate shipping charge will be applied.

濃厚な旨味と凝縮されたコク 超特選醤油 うめえぞこれは

Rich, concentrated and full-flavored super special soy sauce Umezo-koreha


While normal soy sauce is made by maturing moromi, which is a mixture of soy sauce malt and salt water, the re-finishing process involves preparing soy sauce with soy sauce. The amount of soy sauce that can be pressed is less, and the process is more time-consuming and laborious, but it produces a thicker, more concentrated soy sauce with a more intense flavor.
“Umezo-koreha” is a product developed as a local production for local consumption project by Shizuoka Soy Sauce Company, a company in Yaizu City, using 70% wheat grown in the prefecture, and using subsoil water from the Oigawa River system and deep sea water from Suruga Bay. Since its launch, the product has become a hot topic with its catchy name, and has become a big hit as a soy sauce that goes well with sashimi!
It is recommended for sashimi, of course, but also to add a small amount as a secret ingredient in dishes, taking advantage of its rich flavor. Also for fried food and meat dishes!

ゴロっとさばの食べ応え! 鯖専門店 あまる斉藤商店のさばカレー

Chunky mackerel! Mackerel curry from the mackerel specialist Amaru Saito Shoten






70 years of dedication to mackerel, this boil-in-the-bag curry from Amaru Saito Shoten, also known as the 'Amaru of mackerel', is made from fatty Kinka mackerel. The unique manufacturing process prevents the fish from having a distinctive fishy odor, and it is tender enough to eat all the way down to the bones!
The mackerel texture is satisfying, as the fish is daringly made from large, lumpy filets.
The spicy taste is retained to bring out the sweetness and flavor of the mackerel, while sticking to a sweeter taste, so that children can eat it too. The flavor of the curry matches the sweetness of the mackerel when you bite into it.

ALL焼津の銘品が集結! カネオト石橋商店の焼津おでん

ALL Yaizu's best products! Yaizu oden from Kaneoto Ishibashi Shoten





明治35年創業の老舗、カネオト石橋商店の味噌ダレとカツオ削り節を掛けて食べる「焼津おでん」。焼津市民が慣れ親しんだ甘めの味噌ダレと出汁にブレンドされた魚醤がポイントです。焼津特有の地場産品である練り物には特にこだわっており、具材を焼津の名店から揃えた、ALL焼津の名品 を集結した、まさに焼津を誇れる逸品。
※焼津名産黒はんぺん(山下商店)、なると(なると巻専門店 株式会社 北村[屋号:サスユウ])ちくわ(株式会社 丸又)、角揚げ(有限会社 浅角)、こんにゃく(岩崎蒟蒻店)

Yaizu oden is served with miso sauce and bonito shavings from the long-established Kaneoto Ishibashi Shoten, founded in 1902. The key ingredient is fish sauce blended into the sweet miso sauce and broth that Yaizu residents are accustomed to. We are especially particular about the fish paste, a local product unique to Yaizu, and the ingredients are from famous Yaizu restaurants, making this a dish that brings together all of Yaizu's specialties and is a true pride of Yaizu.
*Yaizu specialty black hanpen (Yamashita Shoten), naruto (narutomaki specialty shop Kitamura [store name: Sasuyu]) chikuwa (Marumata), kaku-age (Asakado), konnyaku (Iwasaki Konnyaku Store).

塩分を気にする方にもオススメ! 新丸正 食べるだし醤油

For the people who want to lower their salt intake! Shin-Marumasa edible dashi soy sauce


Flavorful edible soy sauce made from carefully selected domestic soya beans and rice, with bonito flakes kneaded into the soy sauce paste.
The use of dried bonito flakes imparts a dashi flavor and reduces the fermented odor of the paste, making it an easy-to-eat soy sauce. It has a salt content of about 6%, less than half that of regular soy sauce.
It can be used instead of soy sauce for egg rice, on white rice as it is, or on cold tofu and grated daikon.

無添加の本格だしパック シーラック  駿河の港だし

Additive-free authentic dashi pack Sealuck Suruga no Minato Dashi


Genuine dashi packet made with plenty of Yaizu bonito honkare-bushi, a brand of dried bonito flakes from Yaizu, Shizuoka.
Additive-free, with no chemical seasonings or preservatives. Authentic dashi made from domestic ingredients only. The highest quality product possible in the port town of Yaizu, it's a handy dashi packet, so all you have to do is boil it at home!

変わらない美味しさ STIサンヨー  プリンスツナ まぐろフレーク(赤缶)

Same great taste STI Sanyo Prince Tuna, Tuna Flakes (red can)


A can of tuna made by Sanyo Foods, using only a limited amount of soft and fatty fish weighing around 4 kg.
The oil used is cottonseed oil, which has a good flavor and is used in hotels, restaurants and ryotei.
It is a good match for tuna and is rich in the antioxidant vitamin E. It is resistant to oxidation, so you can enjoy its flavor and taste forever. A long-selling product that has been loved for many years.


The Yaizu Fish Brokers' Association (Yaizu Tokusan Plaza), the fisheries hub of the historic port town of Yaizu.


Blessed and nurtured by the seven seas, including Suruga Bay, the port town has built its history together with the sea and attracts fish from the world's oceans. Yaizu is a major fisheries city with two ports in the city and boasts one of the highest fisheries outputs in the country.
The Yaizu Fish Brokers' Association was established by various companies in Yaizu City for the smooth distribution of fish, the development of the fishing industry and the promotion of fish food who support the fisheries city of Yaizu. There are many fish processing plants in the city, and members of the cooperative work day and night to bring seafood from all over the world landed in Yaizu to the tables of diners throughout Japan.

<静岡県産醤油 うめえぞこれは醤油>
【賞味期限】 製造日より1年
【保存方法】 直射日光、高温多湿を避け、常温で保存してください。
※ 特定原材料7品目のうち 大豆・小麦 を含む

<あまる斉藤商店 さばカレー(レトルトパウチ)>
※ 特定原材料7品目のうち 大豆・小麦 を含む

<カネオト 焼津おでん>
【原材料名】 具[魚肉ねり製品(黒はんぺん、焼きちくわ、なると、角揚げ)、大根、たまご、こんにゃく、昆布]、おでん汁[醤油、砂糖、発酵調味料、食塩、かつおだし、昆布エキス、酵母エキス、酒精、カラメル色素、調味料(アミノ酸など)、ビタミンB]、水酸化カルシウム(こんにゃく用凝固剤)、風味かやく[かつお削り節、みそ]、原材料の一部に小麦・さば・大豆を含む
【賞味期限】 180日 ※開封後はお早目にお召し上がりください。
【保存方法】 常温(直射日光の当たらない所での保管をお願いします。)
※ 特定原材料7品目のうち 大豆・小麦 卵を含む

<新丸正 食べるだし醤油>


※ 特定原材料7品目のうち 大豆・小麦 を含む

<シーラック  駿河の港だし>
【賞味期限】 製造より18カ月
※ 特定原材料7品目のうち 大豆・小麦 を含む

<STIサンヨー  プリンスツナ まぐろフレーク(赤缶)>

Shizuoka soy sauce Umezo-koreha Soy Sauce
Ingredients: Skimmed soya (non-genetically modified), wheat, deep sea water, salt, water, soy (non-genetically modified), alcohol
Contents: 450ml
Best before: 1 year after production date
Storage instructions: Store in a cool dry place
*Contains soy and wheat

Amaru Saito Shoten Mackerel Curry (Boil-in-the-bag curry)
Ingredients: Mackerel (domestic), onion, carrot, tomato, apple, ginger, garlic, sugar, chicken stock, skim milk, coconut, processed starch, beef fat, fruit chutney, Worcestershire sauce, salt, spices, rapeseed oil, caramel color, seasoning (amino acids) (Contains wheat, beef, chicken, dairy, mackerel, apples, raisins)
Contents: 200g
Best before: 1 year after production date
Storage instructions: Room temperature
*Heat well before eating
*Contains soy and wheat

Kaoneto Yaizu Oden
Ingredients: Fish paste products (black hanpen, grilled chikuwa, naruto, fried cubes), daikon, egg, konnyaku, kelp, oden soup [soy sauce, sugar, fermented seasoning, salt, bonito dashi, kelp extract, yeast extract, alcohol, caramel coloring, seasoning (amino acids, etc.), vitamin B], calcium hydroxide (coagulant for konnyaku), flavor kayaku [bonito flakes, miso] (Contains wheat, mackerel and soy)
Contents: 400g
Best before: 180 days *Eat as soon as possible after opening
Storage instructions: Room temperature (Avoid direct sunlight)
*Heat up the oden and serve with the accompanying miso sauce and bonito shavings.
*Contains soy, wheat and egg

Shin-Marumasa edible dashi soy sauce
Ingredients: Soya beans (domestic), rice koji (domestic), dried bonito flakes, pickling ingredients (soy sauce, sugar, protein hydrolysate, salt), alcohol, seasoning (amino acids, etc.), V.B1, acidifier, polysaccharides thickener (Contains wheat).
Contents: 140g
Best before: 1 year after production in room temperature (unopened)
Storage instructions: Room temperature (avoid direct sunlight). Store under 10℃ after opening and eat as soon as possible
*Contains soy and wheat

Sealuck Suruga bay dashi
Ingredients: Flavoring ingredients (bonito shavings, dried sardines, dried bonito extract, kelp, dried shiitake mushrooms) (manufactured in Japan), starch degradation products, yeast extract, salt, soy sauce (including wheat and soya), fermentation seasoning, fish sauce.
Contents: 144g (8g x 18 bags)
Best before: 18 months after production
Storage instructions: Room temperature (avoid direct sunlight)
*Contains soy and wheat

STI Sanyo Prince Tuna, Tuna Flakes (Red can)
Ingredients: Albacore tuna (domestic), cottonseed oil, salt, vegetable extract, seasoning (amino acids, etc.)
Contents: 70g
Best before: 3 years after production date


Yaizu Uonaka Fishing Processing industry cooperative
Yaizu City

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