【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.
  • 【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.
  • 【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.
  • 【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.
  • 【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.

【島田市】高森商店「プレミアムつゆひかり」と清水屋「黒大奴」島田の逸品セット[Shimada City] Takamori Shoten 'Premium Tsuyu Hikari' and Shimizuya 'Kuro Yakko' Shimada's best products set.






  • ヤマト宅急便



    • 北海道


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      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


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      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


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      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


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      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄











Product Info

島田市の製茶問屋、高森商店がセレクトした、次世代の希少なお茶「プレミアムつゆひかり」と東海道島田宿 清水屋の銘菓「黒大奴」のセット。

プレミアムつゆひかり 100g×2袋
黒大奴 1箱(15個入り)

ギフトについて | 無料

The set includes Premium Tsuyu Hikari, a next-generation rare tea selected by Shimada City tea wholesaler Takamori Shoten, and Kuro Yakko, a famous confectionery from Tokaido’s Shimada-shuku Shimizuya.
Tsuyu Hikari, with its bright green color, unique aroma and refined taste, goes perfectly with Kuro Yakko, which has a good balance between the delicious taste of kelp and the sweetness of red bean paste.
Best for a quick tea break in your daily life.

Product information
Premium Tsuyu Hikari 100g x2 bags
Kuro Yakko 15 pieces in 1 box

Expected shipping date: Around 2~3 days after ordering
Delivery: Standard delivery
Gift wrapping: Available
Noshi wrapping: Available
Delivery note: Included in the package
※This product can be shipped to remote islands.Please select ’Remote islands’ from the selection screen as a separate shipping charge will be applied.

鮮やかな緑色で渋みが少なく、独特の香りと品のある プレミアムつゆひかり

Bright green color, low astringency, distinctive aroma and elegance Premium Tsuyu Hikari


Takamori Shoten's Tsuyu Hikari has been selected as one of Shimada's best products, which are products born in Shimada and selected on the basis of their Shimada-ness and hospitality, and recognized as an official brand.
The Tsuyu Hikari variety is the first tea to be picked in the new tea season, and this Premium Tsuyu Hikari is made from only the first mill buds, which are the first to be picked.
It is a rare tea that is currently produced in small quantities and is not widely available on the market.
It is characterized by its bright green color, low astringency, distinctive aroma and elegant taste.
Enjoy this rich, delicious tea produced in the Yui area of Shimada.

帯祭りの大奴からその名がついた 東海道島田宿 元祖清水屋 銘菓「黒大奴」

Shimizuya, Shimada-shuku’s ‘Kuro Yakko’, named after the Yakko of the Obi Festival.


A Japanese sweet with a glossy black yokan jelly with kelp kneaded into the surface and a moist, refined sweetness of koshi-an paste inside. The special ingredients are yokan with a fine balance of flavor and saltiness, kneaded by craftsmen, and bean paste balls made from carefully selected Japanese azuki beans, which are carefully boiled to produce koshi-an. The mochi-like texture and the lightness of the bean paste inside make this an addictive dish. The poppy seeds on top accentuate the flavor.

自慢の「深蒸し茶」を探求した独自の技術で作り続ける 高森商店

Takamori Shoten continues to produce its prized 'Fukamushi tea (deep steamed tea)' using unique techniques that they had explored.


Takamori Shoten is a tea wholesaler with its head office and factory in Hontori, Shimada.
Takamori Shoten mainly uses tea from the Hatsukura and Yui areas of Shimada City, which produce the highest quality tea in Shizuoka Prefecture. Yui in the Hatsukura area of Shimada City is a production area for Fukamushi tea.
Takamori Shoten procures sweet, full-bodied Fukamushi tea, mainly from the Makinohara Plateau area in Yui, and constantly pursues the best taste with its unique roasting and finishing techniques.

As the taste of tea varies slightly depending on the climate of the year, maintaining the same quality of 'taste', 'aroma' and 'flavor' every year requires meticulous work, but Takamori Shoten's Tsuyu Hikari is made using thorough raw material management and many years of experience.
The company is also committed to being a tea wholesaler, and in order to deliver safe and delicious tea to consumers and to bring out the taste and aroma that meets the expectations of the farmers who produced the tea, the company continues to explore its production methods, from steaming to finishing, to make tea that can be drunk with peace of mind for many years to come.

【内容量】 100g×2袋
【原材料】 緑茶(静岡県産)

【内容量】 1箱15個入り
【原材料】 生餡、砂糖、水あめ、寒天、食塩、昆布、ケシの実
【保存方法】 開封後は冷蔵庫に入れて、なるべくお早めにお召し上がり下さい。

Premium Tsuyu Hikari
Contents: 100g x 2 bags
Ingredients: Green tea (Shizuoka)
Storage information: Seal and store in a cool, dark place
Best before: 360~420 days

Kuro Yakko
Contents: 15 pieces 1 box
Ingredients: Raw red bean paste, sugar, syrup, agar, salt, kelp, poppy seeds
Best before: 14 days after date of production
Storage information: Refrigerate after opening and eat as soon as possible


Shimada City

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